Saturday, December 31, 2005

Prospero Año

It seems impossible that it is time to ring in yet another year. The older I get the faster the time passes. Cuyutlán is enjoying beautiful weather, big, high seas, and lots of visitors, mostly day-trippers. Bug busses come rolling in early in the morning carrying families with lots of kids. They drag their beach chairs, coolers, umbrellas, and Grandma down to the sand where they set up housekeeping for the day. This is not a particularly good beach for swimming; there is a very strong rip tide and a very shallow drop off. But the kids play in the shallow surf, the adults eat and drink, and everyone has a fine time. Then about 5:30, everyone packs up, trudges back to the bus, and heads for home. This routine has been going on during this week between Christmas and New Year's Day. Tomorrow will be the end of it. Next big influx, Easter. But that isn't until April 16th so we have our town back to ourselves for awhile.

There will be several parties in town tonight. Usually what happens is that you pay to reserve a table at one of the hotels and pay for a bottle of some kind of liquor, and the mixes are provided. There is usually live music and dancing, and it goes on until 2- or 3 o'clock. Again this year we probably won't make it! Instead we will mosey up to the center of town for dinner, stroll the malecon, and call it a night.

Report from the ICU is that things continue to improve. Good news.

Last night I cooked Pescado Veracruzano. Here's how you make it. First, take a whole fish . . . .

Happy New Year to all.

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