Thursday, December 22, 2005

Noche Buenas Redux

My friend Carolyn told me that when she had been in Tecoman (next LARGE town) on Wednesday she had passed by a big vivero that had poinsettia's by the hundreds. So this morning we took off to seek such a Mother Lode. She was armed with a map and explicit directions. Alas, we could not find the one she had seen, but we found another with, indeed, hundreds of beautiful plants ready for the taking. We went up this one-way street, down that one-way street, and finally found the entrance. I bought a carload of these little red beauties. Our house is now filled with color. Christmas has arrived.

What else arrived today was the first taste of taleras, a soft, white-dough bread that is like an English Muffin, but not quite. The usual bread we get here is the bollio, also a white dough bread, shaped like a small French roll, but not sourdough. The talera is made from the same dough but is round and not crisp on the outside. They are rather hard to find and their quality varies widely. The best are from the big open market in Manzanillo. We can order them here from Baby (the proprietress of the best abarrotes in town but it's always chancy whether we will actually get them. Jack is going to Manzanillo tomorrow to conduct business and will stop at the market to get all that are available. We just might get enough to see us out.

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