Friday, April 28, 2006

La Muerte de la Biblioteca

You know the saying, "If somebody offers you something that's too good to be true, it probably is." That's what has happened to us, las gringas and our wonderful Biblioteca Las Palmas. We have been evicted from our space to make room for six -- you heard me, SIX -- computer desks. All our shelves and books, our table, chairs, fan, and other equipment have been moved out of the library into the foyer to make way for the computers. And you'll really love this part. The "government" has said that computers and books cannot be in the same room, so out we go! Who, you may ask, is this "government?" We can't get an answer to this question. But it really doesn't matter because we're out. We've lost 400 sq. ft. that we diligently cleaned, painted, and furnished and are now piled into about 120 sq. ft.

So, you might ask, what are you going to do? Tonight several of us are getting together to (a) play dominoes and (b) talk about what our next move might be. We don't have many options but amon the prowl for another space. And I have trusty eagle-eyed Fernando on it, too. If we can't find anything we can afford -- and this group generates $0 revenue -- we may have to make the best of a very bad situation.

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