Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Primaveras and the Bauhaus Baños

First, the primaveras
The primavera trees are coming into bloom throughout the area. For most of the year they are scraggly, awkward-looking trees with nondescript foliage and a rather ugly shape. But for about a month at this time of the year they are decked out in large, dazzlingly bright yellow or pink blossoms . There is an entire avenue of these golden beauties between here and Armeria on the old highway road, and also scattered throughout the town. This is also the time of year when the jacaranda start to bloom, showing that indescribable purple3-blue color in a glorious halo. I think there is one primavera here; we may be too close to the salt air for them to thrive. After about 10 days, the petals will start to fall and by the end of their show the ground is a solid bright yellow or pale pink pool around the base of the tree. It's quite a show.

Second, the Bauhaus Baño
This imposing edifice, also known as the Taj Ma-baño, is being constructed a couple of blocks away to accommodate the needs of day-trippers, campers, and other beach denizens. Sufficient public facilities has been an ever-pressing problem here, especially at Easter when the population of Cuyutlán swells from 2500 to about 15,000. And there are only about 300 hotel rooms to be had in the entire place. Hotels and restaurants discourage "public" use if their facilities. To handle the problem, the city decided that what was needed was a really elaborate public baño right on the beach. The building looks a bit like a miniature Guggenheim Museum. I don't kn ow whether this is free or a "pay-as-you-go" operation. It will be interesting to note how popular it is with the vacationing crowds.

Cat update Three of the four females have now been fixed. We have not yet been able to catch the fourth kitten. The vet prescribed some knowk-out drops to aid in catching them, both the ones that need to go back to get stitches out and the elusive one. But at least three of them have been "done."

Andrew arrives tomorrow for an all-too-brief visit. However, five days are better than none!

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